Personal Relationships

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There are now a wide range of ways we can communicate electronically with other people that can help -or hurt - personal relationships. I use e-mail a lot to provide detailed answers and information. We all use e-mail a lot - perhaps too much for our own good.

Joel Block, who helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses, posted a reminder about how to grow relationships:

There are several problems with relying on e-mail as your primary source of communication. First, it's impersonal. There is little true relationship-building through e-mail.

He's right that e-mail is better for sending detailed information than it is for nurturing relationships:

Be personal. Pick up the phone or take people out to lunch. That's the old fashion way, but it works, and many of us still prefer this "high-touch" way of doing business.

So, call someone you haven't talked to in a while and ask how they're doing, share something about yourself, and plan to get together face-to-face.

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