Shy Networkers are Great Networkers

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Have you ever encouraged a friend or associate to attend a networking event with you, only to have them say, "I'm too shy and quiet to go to networking events." You've probably thought about how most of the people you've met at networking events are a bit shy, too.

In fact, when was the last time you saw a loud, boisterous salesperson at a networking event? The stereotypical salesperson at networking events is long gone because it just doesn’t work.

When I saw the post by Lindsey Pollak Why Shy People Make Great Networkers I thought about a person I've known for several years. He considers himself somewhat shy, yet he attends many events, has a large business and social network -- and is always in demand by large companies.

Lindsay tells the five reasons why she thinks shy people make great networkers:

  1. They ask for personal referrals
  2. They are polite
  3. They listen more than they talk
  4. They bring a wingman (or woman)
  5. They network online

When you read Lindsey's detailed explanation of those points, think about how these techniques fit your personality for networking.

Networking is nothing more than nurturing personal relationships that create opportunities for people to help each other.

So, share Lindsey's post with friends who you would like to see attend networking events with you. You might have a new networking buddy!

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