Starting This Blog

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For many years networking has been valuable in my business and personal life. I enjoy meeting new people and looking for opportunities to work together.

Building relationships -- now called social networking -- is something we all do. So, we need to make the most of each networking opportunity.

That's the goal of this blog. And, that's why we created the SureToMeet local event calendar Web site.

I'll be posting networking tips and techniques that I've seen work, as well as links to my articles on the SureToMeet site.

And, since we all hold meetings and activities, as well as help organizations promote events, I'll be sharing tips to help you use SureToMeet to make both your public events and your private meetings and activities successful.

Remember that this is a two-way relationship. Your comments will add to our shared exploration of business and social networking.

Together, we can explore the tips, techniques, and tools each of us uses in our business, civic, and social networking.

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online meeting & event registration
Bringing People Together
at Meetings & Events
Online Registration Services
Southern California Tech Central
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