Business Networking Tip #5: Make Notes About Each New Contact

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Business networking events are great for meeting lots of new people, but an event can turn into a blur that makes it difficult to remember interesting details about each person you meet. So, be sure to take notes about each new contact.

While you're at the networking event write on the back of a person's business card a few key words that will jog your memory the next day. If you offer to do something for someone, be sure to write it on the back of the business card while you're still talking to them. This helps you remember what you agree to do, and it shows your contact that it was important enough for you to write it down.

Also, note on their business card the date and name of the event where you met the person. I’m sometimes asked for contact information about someone I met at a specific event and having that on the back at cards make this search rather easy.

After a business networking event be sure to make detailed notes in whenever notebook or contact management database you use to manage your contacts.

Taking notes on the back of business cards is a great way to remember important points about a new contact that can help grow that new contact into a mutually beneficial relationship.

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